Buenas prácticas PNUD Colombia: prevención y atención de desastres en Bogotá

Material Information

Buenas prácticas PNUD Colombia: prevención y atención de desastres en Bogotá
Alternate title:
Good practice UNDP Colombia: disaster prevention and assistance in Bogotá
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Natural hazards and disasters -- Bogotá (Colombia) ( lcshac )
Disaster response and recovery -- Bogotá (Colombia) ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Bogotá (Colombia) ( lcshac )
Spatial Coverage:
South America -- Colombia -- Bogotá, Distrito Capital de


This document discusses the United Nation Development Programme’s (UNDP) pilot project to increase the capacity of the city of Bogotá, Colombia to manage responses to large scale disasters and to develop a policy framework for early recovery. While the project highlights the need to address the physical damages caused by disaster, such as the destruction of buildings, roads, and other public spaces, emphasis is also placed on disaster’s impact on people and their lives. Thus the project also involves assisting effected populations in recovering their livelihoods, responding to gender specific impacts of disaster, and dealing with the social and emotional devastation left behind following a disaster. This approach to disaster response goes beyond short-term relief to address long-term human development. The project’s three major achievements include: (i) building the capacity to conceptualize the medium term condition of Bogotá after a disaster; (ii) developing an institutional network for preparing for and responding to disasters when they occur; and (iii) establishing a policy framework for planning early recovery efforts. ( English )
Disaster Management ( English )
(2011). Buenas prácticas PNUD Colombia: prevención y atención de desastres en Bogotá/Good practice UNDP Colombia: disaster prevention and assistance in Bogota. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction