The Rold of Research in Disaster Risk Reduction

Material Information

The Rold of Research in Disaster Risk Reduction
Series Title:
Research Brief
Tighe, Kate
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Advanced Centre for Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction
Publication Date:
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The first project is concerned with biodiversity and fishing activity in Palk Bay and Tamil Nadu (India). It particularly focuses on factors that threaten biodiversity, as well as the relationship between disasters and the ability of those involved in various aspects of the fishing industry to sustain their livelihoods. It provides recommendations for dealing with these threats. The second research project addresses changing rain patterns in three areas of Tamil Nadu. Farmers in these regions have noticed a decline in predictable rainfall during the important months of the cropping season over the past two decades, with periods of rain being particularly violent, leading to vulnerability to the extremes of both drought and flooding. This project comes up with recommendations regarding the types of alternative crops that should be planted in order to adapt to shifting rainfall patterns. The third project is about risk and vulnerability mapping in ten villages in Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu. It utilizes participatory research tools such as time line analysis, social and resource mapping, ranking of critical facilities, seasonality analysis, and focus group discussions. The first research project, based on detailed surveys with men and women in fishing families, found that these communities require initiatives focused on housing, sanitation, and public health. Also, critical interventions are required in order to protect livelihoods. This means both shifting away from environmentally unsustainable fishing practices as well as developing alternative livelihoods that are not as vulnerable to environmental changes. Many individuals who participated in the surveys conveyed that vulnerabilities to their livelihoods are just as devastating as the direct destruction caused by disasters. The second project promotes dynamic patterns of crop plantation as a means to decrease risk levels due to changing rainfall patterns. It calls for increased investments in enhancing skills and knowledge related to rainfall analysis. The third project notes that floods are the primary threat facing these communities, and thus promotes greater flood risk and vulnerability mapping, as well as the creation of effective early warning systems for floods. The project has been helpful in enhancing awareness regarding flood risks in the ten villages of Nagapattina, Tamil Nadu. It also underscores the significance of local self-government (panchayat) in training villagers in regard to flood risks. ( English,English,,,,,,,,,, )
Disaster Risk Reduction
Tighe, K. (2011). The role of research in disaster risk reduction. Advanced Centre for Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction (ACEDRR).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.

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Disaster Risk Reduction