25 Years of Partnerships in Building Safer Communities in Asia

Material Information

25 Years of Partnerships in Building Safer Communities in Asia
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Policy document - eng - non-fiction


Subjects / Keywords:
Disaster response and recovery ( lcsh )
Risk management ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:


This document provides an overview of the historical evolution of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center’s (ADPC) work in addressing disaster risk throughout the Asia-Pacific region. It highlights the organization’s principles, core areas of focus, and future developments. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most disaster-prone areas of the world. Between 1980 and 2010, nearly half of worldwide disasters occurred in the Asia-Pacific, accounting for 86% of the world’s population affected by disasters, and 45% of world economic losses. The ADPC began in 1986 with the objective of shifting the way people understood disasters, helping them to see disasters, not as natural phenomena, but as tragedies rooted in risk and socio-economic vulnerabilities that could be reduced through informed and coordinated action. The ADPC thus worked to shift the region away from an emphasis on responding to disasters towards a focus on reducing vulnerabilities and disaster risks. The first section is an introduction to the ADPC, its core values and goals. The second section focuses on the growth of the ADPC between 1986 and 2011, and how its evolution has been closely aligned to, and often influenced, broader changes in disaster management internationally. The third looks at the various roles the ADPC has played, from its work in developing the capacities of regional entities through the provision of courses and training programs, to its technical and advisory assistance to a wide range of regional stakeholders, and its work facilitating the creation of regional mechanisms focused on effective action in disaster management and disaster risk reduction (DRR). In the fourth section, a thematic breakdown of the ADPC’s efforts is presented, which include its work in disaster risk management systems, urban disaster risk reduction, climate risk management, community-based disaster risk management, health risk management, multi-hazard early warning systems, mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development, disaster reconstruction and recovery, disaster risk assessment, and technological hazard risk management. Despite 25 years of achievement in disaster risk management, the ADPC plans to improve on its efforts throughout the region. The organization is working on innovative ways to integrate climate change adaptation into DRR efforts. It is also prioritizing the development of participatory governance mechanisms to facilitate urban DRR, which will fundamentally require the mainstreaming DRR into development planning and sectoral policymaking regarding poverty alleviation, education, health, infrastructure, and natural resource management. ( English,English )
Disaster Risk Management
(2011). 25 years of partnerships in building safer communities in Asia. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
All rights reserved by the source institution
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction