Health, disasters and risk

Material Information

Health, disasters and risk
Series Title:
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Place of Publication:
Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:


Subjects / Keywords:
Health ( lcshac )
Risk management ( lcshac )
Emergency management ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )


Health, Disasters and Risk (ISDR/UN) is a compendium of literature that addresses the integration of disaster risk reduction (DRR) planning into the health sector. It is targeted primarily to those in the humanitarian health community. This document moves beyond a narrow exploration of health service continuity planning for disaster events towards a comprehensive exploration of the impact of disasters on health more broadly. This bibliography is intended to help those in both the disaster management and the health care profession gain a greater understanding of the links between their respective objectives, and thus work together to ensure that hospitals are made safe from disaster. This means, on the one hand, retrofitting existing facilities and building new ones to standards necessary to deal with relevant hazards, and on the other, integrating DRR concepts and strategies into our understanding of health care. These works also link DRR to the broader objective of sustainable socioeconomic development, to which health is a critical component. The literature is divided according to eleven subheadings: 1) Health and Disaster Risk; 2) Disaster and Emergency Management; 3) Health Facilities and Services; 4) Environment: Impacts on Health; 5) Climate Change Effects on Health; 6) Mental Health; 7) Mitigation and Preparedness; 8) Public Health; 9) Water and Sanitation; 10) Gender and Health; and 11) Health and Public Information. The authors range from medical specialists with backgrounds in DRR to those with experience working in national departments of health and international health organizations. Each work listed has an attached abstract, year of publication, publisher, ISBN, and number of pages. This bibliographic index makes it clear that DRR in healthcare is a broad and multifaceted topic that requires comprehensive attention from a variety of stakeholders. It highlights the relationship between disaster and health emergencies, and how they interact to produce complex humanitarian crises. Often the destruction of infrastructure necessary for access to clean water and sanitation leads to greater vulnerability to communicable diseases. Loss of livelihoods and destruction of agricultural lands generally leads to declines in nutrition and thus further increase the potential for declines in health. The literature also covers mental health issues produced by disaster such as psychosocial trauma. ( English )
Health ( English )
General Risk Reduction ( English )
(2008). ISDR-biblio 3: health, disasters and risk. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction