- Permanent Link:
- http://dpanther.fiu.edu/dpService/dpPurlService/purl/FI13022727/00001
- Summary:
- This paper examines the current status of contingency planning, with particular attention to the practice within humanitarian organizations. Contingency planning is defined in the three year study as ‘a process, in anticipation of potential crises, of developing strategies, arrangements and procedures to address the humanitarian needs of those adversely affected by crises’ (p.3). Common types of contingency planning can be divided into three categories: scenario-based contingency planning, preparedness planning, and all-hazards emergency planning. The paper discusses the topic in three main sections. The first section (chapters 2 and 3) discusses key terms and concepts related to the contingency planning process. In addition, it explores the main models of contingency planning used by humanitarian organizations. The second section (chapters 4, 5, and 6) looks at the actual practice of contingency planning, beginning with scenario development. The author presents a number of case studies to illustrate different approaches to this process. The section also deals with good practices in contingency planning. The third section (chapter 7), not only presents conclusions and recommendations, but also identifies several challenges in the area of contingency planning. In the end, there is an annex that presents a framework for emergency preparedness. The paper contends that contingency planning should be practical, realistic, easy to do, process-driven, participatory, followed up, and should include regular updates (p. ii). Also, the study makes two general recommendations: (i) that more systematic contingency planning is advocated for global threats rooted in climate change, population growth, urbanization, migration, and other trends; and (ii) that more consistent use of terms related to contingency planning and preparedness are needed to help improve the sharing of experiences, lessons, and good practices (p. 42). ( English )
- Subject:
- General Risk Management ( English )
- Citation/Reference:
- Choularton, R. (2007). Contingency planning and humanitarian action: a review of practice. Network Paper Number 59, Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN).
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- Florida International University
- Rights Management:
- Photocopies of all or part of this publication may be made providing that the source is acknowledged. Requests for the commercial reproduction of HPN material should be directed to the ODI as copyright holders. The Network Coordinator would appreciate receiving details of the use of any of this material in training, research or
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- Resource Identifier:
- FI13022727
9780850038408 ( isbn )