Potential disaster risk reduction strategy elements for Ecuador

Material Information

Potential disaster risk reduction strategy elements for Ecuador
Sun Mountain International (SMIC)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:
Physical Description:
Final document


Subjects / Keywords:
Risk management -- Ecuador ( lcshac )
Risk assessment -- Ecuador ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
South America -- Ecuador


This report is a reference document for the 6th Meeting of the Regional Dialogue on Natural Disasters convened by the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. It intends to identify successful disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies implemented in Ecuador that can be utilized in other at-risk areas of the region. The document begins with a discussion of the various social, environmental, as well as financial vulnerabilities that plague the country of Ecuador, and the potentially devastating macroeconomic impacts associated with these vulnerabilities. The rest of the document is divided into four major sections. They are: (i) strategic actions to avoid potential losses; (ii) strategy proposals to reduce potential losses; (iii) financial strategies to reduce vulnerability; as well as (iv) the conclusions and recommendations. The study also highlights and evaluates three indexes that are used for assessing the level of DRR implementation in Ecuador. These indexes are the Local Disaster Index (LDI), the Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI), and the Risk Management Indicators (RMI). The LDI identifies the concentration of loss at the municipal level, while the PVI refers to the indicators that are not under risk management control. RMI combines information on capacity for risk identification, risk reduction, and disaster management. The next section presents proposed strategies for reducing potential disaster losses. The section on financial strategies outlines and evaluates the disaster deficit index (DDI), discusses the evolution of current tools used in Ecuador, alternatives for covering financial gaps caused by disasters, and a sectoral interpretation of DDI. The annex discusses the methodology (interviews and indexes showing status of the LDI, PVI, and RMI for Ecuador) used in this study. In addition, it provides examples of risk management good practices from Ecuador. The document concludes that Ecuador is entirely lacking when it comes to clearly defined risk management policies and procedures. The primary institutional challenges are due to the absence of a single national institution dedicated to effective coordination and collaboration regarding risk management activities. It recommends that each of the institutions in charge of risk management in Ecuador, whether mandatory or voluntary, be given specific responsibilities and made accountable for those roles. ( English )
General Risk Reduction ( English )
(2006). Potential DRR strategy elements for Ecuador: final document. Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Sun Mountain International (SMIC).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Refer to main document/publisher for use rights.
Resource Identifier:

dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction