On solid ground

Material Information

On solid ground addressing land tenure issues following natural disasters
Alternate title:
En tierra segura desastres naturales y tenencia de la tierra
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Land Tenure and Management Unit.
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT). Tenure and Property Administration Section Shelter Branch.
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Land tenure ( lcsh )
Natural hazards and disasters ( lcshac )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Mozambique
Asia -- Philippines
Asia -- Indonesia
Asia -- Bangladesh
South America -- Ecuador
North and Central America -- Honduras


This document is composed of six case studies on land tenure issues following disaster. The cases are from Mozambique, the Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Ecuador, and Honduras. In Mozambique, cyclones and floods are the major disasters of note. The key land tenure issues following disasters in Mozambique involve protecting the rights of: flood displaced persons who decide not to return to their places of origin, those in resettlement areas, those returning to their areas of origin without legal documentation; informal settlers affected by floods, and host communities where resettlement occurs (p.3). The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world with exposure to various hazards including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, tropical cyclones, flooding, and tornadoes. This exposure to disaster is compounded by a societal lack of awareness regarding the importance of secure land tenure to reducing vulnerability. Much of the land throughout the country is untitled. The study discusses several administrative and legislative constraints to land titling (p.5-6), as well as the role of national and local governments in land tenure. Bangladesh is particularly vulnerable to cyclones, floods, and wind storms. The case study underlines the widespread flaws in the country’s land administration system, particularly emphasizing how the absence of a major institution to deal with land tenure presents various problems for disaster risk management. The country study on Indonesia highlights the tsunami, earthquake, wild fire, and flood risks facing its population. It emphasizes the significance of good governance to developing an effective land tenure system. A weakness of the document is its lack of introductory and concluding sections, which might have provided a comparative overview of land tenure across these countries. Nevertheless, the case studies are well done, offering several lessons for addressing land issues. These include the need to understand the enduring role of traditional institutions for managing land tenure; the importance of securing tenure to lands of origin; insuring access to safe heavens; establishing resettlement as a disaster mitigation policy; securing land and property tenure for host communities; and acknowledging the importance of strong local institutions to ensuring land tenure (p.9-11). ( English,English )
Land Tenure
(2011). On solid ground: addressing land tenure issues following natural disasters. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
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dpSobek Membership

Disaster Risk Reduction