Guidance on including older people in emergency shelter programmes

Material Information

Guidance on including older people in emergency shelter programmes
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Help Age International (HAI)
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Park Lane Press
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This document discusses the exclusion of older people in the design and implementation of emergency shelter programs. It sheds light on their specific shelter needs during emergencies, and actions that can be taken by the humanitarian community to address these needs. Though international commitments have emphasized respect for the participation and dignity of the elderly, along with recognition of their particular vulnerabilities, a HelpAge International survey of 12 humanitarian emergencies between 2008 and 2010 found only one shelter project that consciously addressed the needs of older people. This document presents five action points for incorporating the elderly and their concerns into emergency shelter programs. The first action emphasizes understanding the needs and capacities of this population by collecting data on it, including questions specific to older people in assessments, and conducting focus groups and individual interviews with older men and women, particularly the most vulnerable. The second focuses on ensuring that older people are represented in the development of emergency shelter programs, by ensuring that they have opportunities to hold positions of responsibility in such programs. Thirdly, the document calls for the specific targeting of the most vulnerable of older populations for assistance. This involves ensuring that they are aware of the support systems available to them and how they can access them. The fourth action plan calls for incorporating age-friendly features in both household and community shelters, such as age-friendly layouts and designs, non-slip floors and handrails, and proximity to important resources such as water, markets, healthcare centers, and emergency shelters. And lastly, the document calls for increased coordination, cooperation, and sharing amongst governments and humanitarian organizations around the issue of assisting older persons during times of disaster. Rather than beginning from scratch, the document identifies a few measures that can help facilitate the implementation of the objectives already discussed. These include examining existing traditional support systems for older people and building upon these; acknowledging that the elderly often already have social networks that are vital to their wellbeing and constructing shelter strategies around these; and, coordinating with agencies that work with other vulnerable groups (such as children, women, and people with disabilities). Often older people are part of these groups, or are responsible for the care of members in these vulnerable populations. These overlaps should be incorporated into the planning and implementation of shelter programs. ( English )
Transitional Shelters
(2011). Guidance on including older people in emergency shelter programmes. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

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Florida International University
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Disaster Risk Reduction