Tools for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction: guidance notes for development organisations

Material Information

Tools for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction: guidance notes for development organisations
Benson, Charlotte
Twigg, John
Rossetto, Tiziana
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
ProVention Consortium ( Geneva, Switzerland )
Publication Date:
Copyright Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Disaster preparedness ( ( lcsh ) )
Hazard mitigation ( ( lcshac ) )
Risk management ( ( lcshac ) )


This publication presents a list of 14 guidance instruments that aim at ensuring that disaster risk reduction (DRR) is treated as a component of development planning. It is meant to assist development organizations in elaborating and appraising development projects. The first guidance instrument emphasizes the necessity of acknowledging the harmful potential of hazards to development, and DRR’s ability to reduce the threat that such hazards may pose. The second focuses on the need to collect and disseminate information on natural hazards. The third note outlines various poverty reduction strategies. The fourth is related to country programming, recommending that international development organizations implement a framework that allows for the analysis of countries’ problems, needs, and interests. In the fifth tool, the publication discusses project cycle management, particularly the need to integrate DRR into the planning phases of individual projects. The sixth invites development organizations to systematically consider hazard-related issues in the preparation and implementation phases of development projects. The seventh guidance note is about environmental assessment. In the eight, the publication stresses the necessity of economic analysis in that it allows for disaster risk analysis, which, in turn, provides an opportunity for determining vulnerability reduction options. In the ninth, which is related to vulnerability and capacity analysis, the publication urges development organizations to examine projects from a social perspective. The tenth note considers sustainable livelihoods approaches. The eleventh instrument calls for social impact assessments of development projects. In the twelfth, the publication invites development organizations to pay close attention to construction design, building standards, and site selection. The thirteenth instrument stresses the need to evaluate DRR initiatives. The fourteenth and last guidance instrument is related to budget support. It emphasizes the necessity of supporting governments financially in their efforts to build resilience to hazards. Disasters are increasingly understood, not as unpredictable, unavoidable, or unfortunate accidents that societies are left only to react to when they occur, but as the result of unresolved problems within the development process that we can do something about prior to disaster. Development strategies should proactively seek to build resilience to hazards while pursuing economic growth and poverty reduction goals if sustainable development is to be achieved. ( eng,eng )
General Risk Reduction
General Note:
(Citation/Reference) Benson, C., Twigg, J., Rossetto, T. (2007). Tools for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction: guidance notes for development organizations. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Provention Consortium.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Any part of this publication may be cited, copied, translated into other languages or adapted to meet local needs without prior permission from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies / the ProVention Consortium, provided that the source is clearly stated.
Resource Identifier:
85484595 ( oclc )

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Disaster Risk Reduction