Forward to the Soil publicity event, February 5, 1927

Material Information

Forward to the Soil publicity event, February 5, 1927
Matlack, Claude Carson, 1878-1944.
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
3 photos. : blackand white; 18 x 13 cm.


Photographs depicting Forward to the Soil publicity event, February 5, 1927. Views of ceremony and participants. -- 1. Tony Tommie and Miami Chamber of Commerce President Lon Worth Crow smoking a "peace pipe." no. 101-30. -- 2. Annie Jumper Tommie using mortar and pestel to make cornmeal, and her son, Tony Tommie, wearing a Plains Indian eagle feather bonnet. no. 101-30. -- 3. Tony Tommie and Miss Miami (Sarah Jane Helliker). He is wearing a Seminole longshirt and a Plains Indian eagle feather bonnet. no. 101-30.
General Note:
From Photographs : series 30.
General Note:
The Miami Chamber of Commerce staged a publicity event, Forward to the Soil, to promote sales of reclaimed land, and which took place on the Roselawn Tract, near Hialeah. Without tribal consent, Musa Isle headman Tony Tommie participated in the ceremony, made peace and handed over the Everglades to whites. The rest of the tribe and the U.S. government did recognize his actions.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Holding Location:
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier: