Turquoise-fronted amazon parrot Rio perched on a stick with head tilted at Miami Metrozoo

Turquoise-fronted amazon parrot Rio perched on a stick with head tilted at Miami Metrozoo  

Turquoise-fronted amazon parrot Rio perched on a stick with head tilted at Miami Metrozoo
Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a hand with ruffled feathers at Miami Metrozoo

Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a hand with ruffled feathers at Miami Metrozoo  

Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a hand with ruffled feathers at Miami Metrozoo
Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a zookeeper's arm at Miami Metrozoo

Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a zookeeper's arm at Miami Metrozoo  

Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a zookeeper's arm at Miami Metrozoo
Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a zookeeper's hand at Miami Metrozoo

Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a zookeeper's hand at Miami Metrozoo  

Turquoise-fronted amazon perched on a zookeeper's hand at Miami Metrozoo
Turquoise-fronted amazon seated on a zookeeper's hand at Miami Metrozoo

Turquoise-fronted amazon seated on a zookeeper's hand at Miami Metrozoo  

Turquoise-fronted amazon seated on a zookeeper's hand at Miami Metrozoo
Turquoise-fronted amazon with ruffled feathers perched on a hand at Miami Metrozoo

Turquoise-fronted amazon with ruffled feathers perched on a hand at Miami Metrozoo  

Turquoise-fronted amazon with ruffled feathers perched on a hand at Miami Metrozoo
Two Addra gazelle standing together in habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Two Addra gazelle standing together in habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Two Addra gazelle standing together in habitat at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult American flamingos at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult American flamingos at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult American flamingos at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult and a young Burchell's zebra grazing in their habitat field at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult and a young Burchell's zebra grazing in their habitat field at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult and a young Burchell's zebra grazing in their habitat field at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult and a young Burchell's zebra standing together in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult and a young Burchell's zebra standing together in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult and a young Burchell's zebra standing together in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult and two young Grevy's zebra standing together in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo

Two adult and two young Grevy's zebra standing together in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo  

Two adult and two young Grevy's zebra standing together in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo
Two adult Burchell's zebras and a young one standing together at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult Burchell's zebras and a young one standing together at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult Burchell's zebras and a young one standing together at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult Burchell's zebras and their young at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult Burchell's zebras and their young at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult Burchell's zebras and their young at Miami Metrozoo
Two adult Burchell's zebras and their young standing together at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult Burchell's zebras and their young standing together at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adult Burchell's zebras and their young standing together at Miami Metrozoo
Two adults and one young Burchell's zebra standing together at Miami Metrozoo

Two adults and one young Burchell's zebra standing together at Miami Metrozoo  

Two adults and one young Burchell's zebra standing together at Miami Metrozoo
Two African cheetahs laying in the grass in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo

Two African cheetahs laying in the grass in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo  

Two African cheetahs laying in the grass in their enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo
Two African elephants and their trainer performing at the Miami Metrozoo Big Show

Two African elephants and their trainer performing at the Miami Metrozoo Big Show  

Two African elephants and their trainer performing at the Miami Metrozoo Big Show
Two African elephants eating hay at the natural edge to their habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Two African elephants eating hay at the natural edge to their habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Two African elephants eating hay at the natural edge to their habitat at Miami Metrozoo
Two African elephants kneeling in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Two African elephants kneeling in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Two African elephants kneeling in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo