No. Title Date
1 Climate change overview
2 Global Development Alliances and Partnerships Overview
3 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 01/2012 2012-10
4 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 02/2013 2013-01
5 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 03/2013 2013-04
6 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 04/2013 2013-09
7 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 04/2013 2013-09
8 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 07/2014 2014-06
9 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 07/2014 2014-06
10 Profile of Tillaberi region in Niger: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
11 Profile of Zinder region in Niger: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
12 USAID WA-WASH Builds Capacities in the Field of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis in Niamey, Niger
13 USAID WA-WASH food security overview
14 USAID WA-WASH Gender Overview
15 USAID WA-WASH News Flash, Volume 12 2014-01
16 USAID WA-WASH Program Overview 2013-09
17 USAID WA-WASH succes story: Zinder stakeholders commit to integrating climate change into WASH 2013
18 WA-WASH News Flash, Volume 9 2013-11-27
19 West Africa development challenges: water supply and quality 2014-01-27