No. Title Date
41 Wash and Gender Resource List for Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Niger
42 Partnership SONEB - ONEA
43 AfWA Newsletter No. 97
44 Project information sheet: AfRICap Program
45 Partnership SOMAGEP – ONEE
46 AfWA Newsletter No. 97
47 Periodic Monitoring of the Water Points in Burkina Faso
48 USAID WA WASH Aquatab marketing plan in Burkina Faso. Executive Summary
49 Baseline information on water sources, uses, and livelihood activities in MUS intervention areas in Burkina Faso. Executive Summary
50 Baseline on water accounting and hygiene practices in Ghana
51 MUS Opportunities in Ghana
52 VSLAS Role in Financing Wash Infrastructures in Ghana
53 Triple-S Survey of Potable Water Services Management in Burkina Faso
54 MUS Guide: Best Practices in MUS Implementation in Niger
55 13th Water Information Summit held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Executive Summary
56 Wash Action Plan For The Year 2014 in the Municipality of Arbinda in Burkina Faso
57 2014 WASH Action Plan for municipality of Gorgadji, Burkina Faso. Executive Summary
58 Wash and Nutrition Policy Review in Ghana
59 Water Quality Analysis in the Municipalities of Arbinda and Gorgadji in the Sahel Region
60 High Level Forum on Water And Sanitation for All in Africa in Abidjan, Ivory Coast