The girls are all married, but me : ballad. Written & Composed by Belton.

The girls are all married, but me : ballad. Written & Composed by Belton.  

Publication Date:  1857
Creator:  Belton.
Publisher.Display:  Baltimore: Miller & Beacham
Source Institution:  Florida International University
The girls are all married, but me : ballad. Written & Composed by Belton.
Vive la compagnie. Song and Chorus. Composed and Arranged for the Piano Forte.  Second Edition.

Vive la compagnie. Song and Chorus. Composed and Arranged for the Piano Forte. Second Edition.  

Publisher.Display:  Baltimore: Miller & Beacham
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Vive la compagnie. Song and Chorus. Composed and Arranged for the Piano Forte. Second Edition.