Couches-tu donc chez ta tante? : chanson et fox-trot

Couches-tu donc chez ta tante? : chanson et fox-trot  

Publication Date:  1925
Creator:  Nelson, Rudolf
Publisher.Display:  Paris: Edition Arlequin
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Couches-tu donc chez ta tante? : chanson et fox-trot
The ocean burial; a song & quartette

The ocean burial; a song & quartette  

Creator:  Allen, George Nelson
Publisher.Display:  Boston: Oliver Ditson, 115 Washington St.
Source Institution:  Florida International University
The ocean burial; a song & quartette
The Red Cross Banner. Song, the poetry by W.H. Bellamy. The music by S. Nelson.

The Red Cross Banner. Song, the poetry by W.H. Bellamy. The music by S. Nelson.  

Creator:  Nelson, S. ( Composer )
Publisher.Display:  Joseph Williams ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
The Red Cross Banner. Song, the poetry by W.H. Bellamy. The music by S. Nelson.
Si tu vois ma tante : shimmy

Si tu vois ma tante : shimmy  

Publication Date:  1925
Creator:  Nelson, R.
Publisher.Display:  Paris: Charles Brull
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Si tu vois ma tante : shimmy