No. Title Date
1 Sigh no more. Words by Shakespeare.
2 Auld Lang Syne. The Favorite Scotch Song.
3 Excelsior : duet. The Music Composed and Dedicated to the Right Honble The Earl of Westmoreland by M.W. Balfe
4 The love song of Har Dyal. Written by Rudyard Kipling. Composed by Mrs. George Batten
5 The gift : song. The words by F.E. Weatherly. The music composed expressly for Madame Antoinette Sterling by A.H. Behrend.
6 The admiral's broom : song. New Words by Frederic E. Weatherly. The Music by Frederick Bevan.
7 The Longshoreman. Song, the words by Philip Dayson. Music by Edward M. Chesham.
8 The coster's serenade : a humorous song. Music by John Crook ; written and sung by Albert Chevalier.
9 The Future Mrs. 'Awkins. A Cockney Carol written, composed and sung by Albert Chevalier.
10 Wot Cher! or Knock'd 'EM in the old Kent Road
11 I'll sing thee songs of Araby : from the cantata Lalla Rookh. Written by W.G. Wills. Composed by Frederic Clay
12 The better land : song. The words by Mrs. Hemans ; the music composed expressly for Madame Antoinette Sterling by Frederic H. Cowen.
13 Tell her I love her so : song. Written by F.E. Weatherly, M.A. Composed by P. de Faye.
14 The Heaving of the Lead. Song. The words by Pearce. The music composed & dedicated to his esteemed friend the Right Hon. Sir Molyneux H. Nepean, Bart. by Richard Machill Garth
15 A Day's Ride, hunting song, the words by G. J. Whyte Melville, the music by Alfred Scott Gatty
16 What are the wild waves saying? Words by J.E. Carpenter. Music by Stephen Glover
17 O my love is like a red red rose. Scottish Song. Arranged by J. Kenyon Lees.
18 Down the sunlit Stream. Song, the words by M. Beverly. The music by J.L. Molloy
19 The King's highway : song. The words by F.E. Weatherly, M.A. The music by J. L. Molloy
20 The vagabond song : song, composed expressly for and sung by Mr. Santley. The words by Charles Lamb Kenny ; the music by James L. Molloy.