No. Title Date
1 Palm trees on Virginia Key Beach
2 Long picnic table
3 Part of picnic table
4 Round picnic table
5 Square picnic table
6 Picnic table from below
7 Picnic table and benches
8 Two long picnic benches
9 Picnic area
10 Grill in picnic area
11 Boat launch
12 Sand and water
13 Beach scene
14 Interview of Loretta Brown
15 Footage from the Virginia Key Beach Mini-Train
16 Willie Dyons' Memories of Virginia Key Beach
17 Stinah Aleah Art Show
18 Virginia Beach Bathhouse before Stinah Aleah's mural
19 Stinah Aleah Mural on Bathhouse at Virginia Key Beach
20 Backyard Monsters 2017