No. Title Date
721 Gene Tinnie and two men talking 2010-08-21
722 Gene Tinnie talks with two men 2010-08-21
723 Silent auction table with guests 2010-08-21
724 People sit at tables and talk 2010-08-21
725 View of framed posters on wall 2010-08-21
726 Closeup of framed poster 2010-08-21
727 Woman standing at table 2010-08-21
728 Several guests talking 2010-08-21
729 Larry Little talks to others near table 2010-08-21
730 Three women socialize at table 2010-08-21
731 Woman mixes drinks behind table 2010-08-21
732 Several women enjoy drinks at table 2010-08-21
733 Woman mixes drinks 2010-08-21
734 People sit in charter bus 2010-08-21
735 Several people sit in charter bus 2010-08-21
736 Group of people sit in bus 2010-08-21
737 Woman speaks at front of bus 2010-08-21
738 Woman at front of bus speaks to passengers 2010-08-21
739 Vintage car 2010-08-21
740 Guy Forchion standing in front of vintage car 2010-08-21