No. Title Date
621 May 2005 Notes from the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust's Parking Lot Construction Meeting 2005-05-16
622 May 2008 Park Opening Progress Report
623 Meeting for members of Trust
624 Meeting Notes on the Bear's Cut Water Current Study 2005-11-08
625 Meeting of members of the Trust
626 Meeting of Virginia Key Beach Park Trust
627 Meeting on the History of Virginia Key Beach Park, February 2013 2013-02-04
628 Members of Trust assembled around table
629 Members of Trust in meeting
630 Members of Trust pose 2004
631 Members of Trust posing 2004
632 Members of Virginia Key Beach Trust
633 Memories of Virginia Key Beach
634 Memories of Virginia Key Beach Recorded at the Hadley Senior and Cultural Center 2008-06-03
635 Men and women talking outdoors 2004
636 Men in the water off Virginia Key Beach 2004
637 Men putting up temporary fencing 2004
638 Merry-Go-Round 1956
639 Metal storage cabinet
640 Miami City Clerk Fax to David Shorter about Miami City Commission Resolution 02-1240 Authorizing Virginia Key Beach Public Trust's Hiring of Roberts and Todd, LLC. 2002-11-06