No. Title Date
2021 Miami City Commission Resolution Authorizing the Release of Funds to Purchase and Install Shade Pavilion Structures 2009
2022 Virginia Key Beach Park Bi-Weekly Timesheet for the Junior Marine Biology Camp 2009-07/08-22/5
2023 Virginia Key Beach Park Trust July Bi-Weekly Timesheet for the Junior Marine Biology Camp 2009-06/07-24/08
2024 A.R. Toussaint and Associates, Inc.'s Bid to Florida Power and Light for Survey Services for Broward County and Dade County 2009-07-31/08-03
2025 Horizontal Computations for the Virginia Key Beach Park Survey 2009-06-05/28
2026 Miami Dade Range Monument Comparison for A.R. Touissant and Associates, Inc.'s Survey for Virginia Key Beach Park 2009-06-01/27
2027 A.R. Toussaint and Associates, Inc.'s List of Control Monuments used for the Virginia Key Survey 2009-06-01/24
2028 David Shorter email to Joseph Piccini thanking Piccini for Donating Twenty Five Gumbo Limbo Trees to the park. 2009-01-12
2029 Property Ownership of Historic Virginia Key Beach Park 2009-02-05
2030 Aerial Photo Showing the Route to the Green Pavilion at Virginia Key Beach Park 2/6/2009
2031 Aerial Photo Showing the Route to the Orange Pavilion at Virginia Key Beach Park 2/6/2009
2032 Aerial Photo Depicting the New Nature Trail Design 2009-02-25
2033 Aerial Photo Depicting Design One of the Virginia Key Beach Nature Trail 2009-02-26
2034 Aerial Photo Depicting Design Two of the Virginia Key Beach Nature Trail 2009-02-26
2035 Aerial Photo Depicting Design Three of the Virginia Key Beach Nature Trail 2009-02-26
2036 Aerial Photo Depicting Design Four of the Virginia Key Beach Nature Trail 2009-02-26
2037 Aerial Photo Showing the Route to the Small Pavilion at Virginia Key Beach Park 2/26/2009
2038 Aerial Photo Showing the Route to the Seaside Pavilion at Virginia Key Beach Park 2/26/2009
2039 Minutes for the February 27, 2007 Planning and Construction Committee Meeting 2009-02-27
2040 Gary Milano Letter to David Shorter 2009-03-04