No. Title Date
1 Children playing in Lighthouse Park with the telegraph operator's house in the background
2 A parade on Cathedral Street in front of the Cathedral Basilica, looking West 1910
3 Staff of the Stephens and Coe drug store, posing for a Christmas photo 1910's
4 Victor Rahner, Sr. riding a bicycle on St. George Street in front of the Peña-Peck House 1910's
5 Young Victor Rahner, Sr. sitting in the window of the Postal Telegraph Office on St. George Street 1910's
6 Blair Kodak Shop on St. George Street, north of the postal telegraph office 1910's
7 A member of the Rahner family being towed behind a boat with a view of the bay front behind (Blenmore on far left) 1910's
8 A member of the Rahner family and a puppy being towed behind a boat with a view of the bay front behind Monson Hotel, center) 1910's
9 The Puerte Verde House (center) and a view north down Bay Street (Avenida Menendez) 1910's
10 Old St. Augustine sky line, east to the Bay 1910's
11 A member of the Rahner family posing on the tennis courts behind the Hotel Alcazar 1910's
12 A young man standing near the fountain behind the Hotel Alcazar 1910's
13 Diving into the Matanzas River, with the Plaza Hotel in the background 1910's
14 Diving into the Matanzas River, with the Plaza Hotel in the background 1910's
15 Statuary across St. Francis Street from the Oldest House 1910's
16 A Bay Street scene prior to the 1914 fire, near Treasury Street 1910
17 Staff of Cummins & Gray Photographers standing in front of their storefront 1914
18 Victor Rahner, Sr. riding a bicycle on St. George Street, looking North 1914