No. Title Date
1 First Biennial Report on the Governor's Mansion project, January 1969
2 Government House Archaeological Excavation, Preliminary Report
3 Urban Archaeology in St. Augustine
4 Photograph of Excavation Unit at Government House, Planview
5 [St. Augustine Alligator Hunt Club in front of Rosario Redoubt, 1870]
6 Gutting the East Wing of Government House, looking Southeast, 1969
7 Photograph of stereograph image from the Boyd Collection (ca. 1870-1880) showing Government House behind the monument to the Spanish constitution, looking West
8 Government House interior, exhibition/convention space under constuction, 1967
9 Black and white copy of a historic painting of Government House, 1764
10 [Historic painting of Government House]
11 [Government House from corner of St. George Street and Cathedral Place, looking Southwest]
12 [Government House from the Plaza del la Constitucion, looking West]
13 [Government House from the Plaza del la Constitucion, looking West, 1967] MAY 67
14 [Government House from Cathedal Place, looking Southeast, 1967] MAY 67
15 [Government House from corner of King Street and St. George Street, looking Northwest]
16 [Government House from corner of King Street and St. George Street, looking Northwest, 1967] MAY 67
17 [Photograph of stereograph image from the Boyd Collection (ca. 1870-1880) showing Government House behind the monument to the Spanish constitution, looking West]
18 [Interior of Government House, lobby, 1967] JAN 67
19 [Interior of Government House, lobby, 1967] JAN 67
20 [Interior of Government House, lobby, 1967]