No. Title Date
2161 Detail of Door 2-3 in Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration 11/1/1968
2162 South elevation of the Peña-Peck House (See Large Print File) 11/1/1968
2163 Exposed framing in Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking West 11/1/1968
2164 Exposed frame and bracing in northwest corner of Room 3 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House 11/1/1968
2165 Exposed frame and bracing in northwest corner of Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House 11/1/1968
2166 Exposed frame and bracing in northeast corner of Room 5 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House 11/1/1968
2167 Section of the sill east of Door 2-1 in Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration 11/1/1968
2168 Detail above Window 2-5 on the west wall of Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration 11/1/1968
2169 Exposed framing and detail of baseboards in the southwest corner of Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House 11/1/1968
2170 Peña-Peck interior, exposed floor joists in front of Fireplace #2 during restoration 11/1/1968
2171 Bracing in the west wall on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House 11/1/1968
2172 Bracing in a wall on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration 11/1/1968
2173 Detail of bracing in the Peña-Peck House during restoration 11/1/1968
2174 Window 1-8 from the kitchen on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking North 11/1/1968
2175 Door 1-11 from Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking South 11/1/1968
2176 Door 1-16 seen from Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking East 11/1/1968
2177 Window 1-4 in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking West 11/1/1968
2178 The space under Window 1-5 in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking West 11/1/1968
2179 Window 1-6 in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking North 11/1/1968
2180 Exposed floor joists in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking East 11/1/1968