[3/6/1972] Damaged ceiling in the Cerveau House after the fire

Damaged ceiling in the Cerveau House after the fire  

[3/6/1972] Damaged ceiling in the Cerveau House after the fire
[5/1/1972] The rear section of the Marin-Hasset House from the entrance to the Hispanic Garden, looking North

The rear section of the Marin-Hasset House from the entrance to the Hispanic Garden, looking North  

[5/1/1972] The rear section of the Marin-Hasset House from the entrance to the Hispanic Garden, looking North
[1972-06] The Marin-Hasset House on St. George Street and a view down the east side of St. George Street, looking North

The Marin-Hasset House on St. George Street and a view down the east side of St. George Street, looking North  

[1972-06] The Marin-Hasset House on St. George Street and a view down the east side of St. George Street, looking North
[1972-06] Second story balcony on the De Mesa Sanchez House, looking Southeast

Second story balcony on the De Mesa Sanchez House, looking Southeast  

[1972-06] Second story balcony on the De Mesa Sanchez House, looking Southeast
[1972-07] A teapot on display in the Sims House

A teapot on display in the Sims House  

[1972-07] A teapot on display in the Sims House
[1972-07] Bed on display in the back room of the Sims House (northeast corner of the house)

Bed on display in the back room of the Sims House (northeast corner of the house)  

[1972-07] Bed on display in the back room of the Sims House (northeast corner of the house)
[1972-07] Desk and artifacts in the back room of the Sims House, rear door to the house in background, looking North

Desk and artifacts in the back room of the Sims House, rear door to the house in background, looking North  

[1972-07] Desk and artifacts in the back room of the Sims House, rear door to the house in background, looking North
[1972-07] Artifacts on display in the back room of the Sims House, Northwest corner of the house

Artifacts on display in the back room of the Sims House, Northwest corner of the house  

[1972-07] Artifacts on display in the back room of the Sims House, Northwest corner of the house
[1972-07] Tools of the silversmith in the Sims House

Tools of the silversmith in the Sims House  

[1972-07] Tools of the silversmith in the Sims House
[1972-07] Pewter spoons crafted by the silversmith for sale in the Sims House

Pewter spoons crafted by the silversmith for sale in the Sims House  

[1972-07] Pewter spoons crafted by the silversmith for sale in the Sims House
[1972-07] Silversmith's bench in the Sims House

Silversmith's bench in the Sims House  

[1972-07] Silversmith's bench in the Sims House
[1972-07] Howard Chastain in the workspace at the west end of the Sims House

Howard Chastain in the workspace at the west end of the Sims House  

[1972-07] Howard Chastain in the workspace at the west end of the Sims House
[1972-07] Howard Chastain working in the Sims House, interior, looking Southwest

Howard Chastain working in the Sims House, interior, looking Southwest  

[1972-07] Howard Chastain working in the Sims House, interior, looking Southwest
[1972-11] The Hispanic Garden with the south elevation of the Marin-Hasset House behind

The Hispanic Garden with the south elevation of the Marin-Hasset House behind  

[1972-11] The Hispanic Garden with the south elevation of the Marin-Hasset House behind
[1973-01] Southwest elevation of the Bathe House

Southwest elevation of the Bathe House  

[1973-01] Southwest elevation of the Bathe House
[1/1/1973] Rear yard of the Peso de Burgo site, prior to the demolition of the Paffe property, looking West

Rear yard of the Peso de Burgo site, prior to the demolition of the Paffe property, looking West  

[1/1/1973] Rear yard of the Peso de Burgo site, prior to the demolition of the Paffe property, looking West
[1973-01] West elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demolition, from St. George Street in front of the De Mesa Sanchez House

West elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demolition, from St. George Street in front of the De Mesa Sanchez House  

[1973-01] West elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demolition, from St. George Street in front of the De Mesa Sanchez House
[1973-01] The northeast end of the Paffe property (prior to demolition), seen from the back yard, looking West

The northeast end of the Paffe property (prior to demolition), seen from the back yard, looking West  

[1973-01] The northeast end of the Paffe property (prior to demolition), seen from the back yard, looking West
[1973] East elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, looking Southwest

East elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, looking Southwest  

[1973] East elevation of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, looking Southwest
[1973-01] Southeast corner of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, from the rear entrance to the property

Southeast corner of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, from the rear entrance to the property  

[1973-01] Southeast corner of the Paffe property, prior to demoltion, from the rear entrance to the property