[Winn-Dixie makes five year pledge of $35,000 to St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.]  

[3/29/68] [Winn-Dixie makes five year pledge of $35,000 to St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.]

Davises, Firm Boost Aid for Restoration  

[3-29-68] Davises, Firm Boost Aid for Restoration

New Pledge For City's Restoration Announced  

[3-29-68] New Pledge For City's Restoration Announced
[4/1/1968] Wells Print Shop on Cuna Street, looking Southwest

Wells Print Shop on Cuna Street, looking Southwest  

[4/1/1968] Wells Print Shop on Cuna Street, looking Southwest
[4/1/1968] North elevation of the Wells Print Shop

North elevation of the Wells Print Shop  

[4/1/1968] North elevation of the Wells Print Shop
[4/11/1968] Northwest corner of the Benet House from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street

Northwest corner of the Benet House from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street  

[4/11/1968] Northwest corner of the Benet House from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street
[4-13-68] Bradley Brewer, Mike Emerson, Scott Chambers, and Lance Chambers with the Restoration Commissions baby goats, Siesta, Fiesta, and Chiquita

Bradley Brewer, Mike Emerson, Scott Chambers, and Lance Chambers with the Restoration Commissions baby goats, Siesta, Fiesta, and Chiquita  

[4-13-68] Bradley Brewer, Mike Emerson, Scott Chambers, and Lance Chambers with the Restoration Commissions baby goats, Siesta, Fiesta, and Chiquita
[April 14, 1968] What's in a Name for Three Kids

What's in a Name for Three Kids  

[April 14, 1968] What's in a Name for Three Kids
[1968-05] East elevation of the McGraw Property from across Charlotte Street

East elevation of the McGraw Property from across Charlotte Street  

[1968-05] East elevation of the McGraw Property from across Charlotte Street
[5/1/1968] Jake Goff working the printing press, 1968

Jake Goff working the printing press, 1968  

[5/1/1968] Jake Goff working the printing press, 1968
[1968-05] Interior view of the Wells Print Shop, west side

Interior view of the Wells Print Shop, west side  

[1968-05] Interior view of the Wells Print Shop, west side
[1968-05] Jake Goff sitting at the press in the Wells Print Shop

Jake Goff sitting at the press in the Wells Print Shop  

[1968-05] Jake Goff sitting at the press in the Wells Print Shop
[5/1/1968] Coco Mickler working in the Old Blacksmith Shop

Coco Mickler working in the Old Blacksmith Shop  

[5/1/1968] Coco Mickler working in the Old Blacksmith Shop
[1968-05] Coco Mickler hammering in the Old Blacksmith Shop, looking South

Coco Mickler hammering in the Old Blacksmith Shop, looking South  

[1968-05] Coco Mickler hammering in the Old Blacksmith Shop, looking South
[1968-05] East elevation of the  Old Blacksmith Shop, with horse pen behind

East elevation of the Old Blacksmith Shop, with horse pen behind  

[1968-05] East elevation of the Old Blacksmith Shop, with horse pen behind
[1968-05] Northwest elevation of the Old Blacksmith Shop with Coco Mickler working inside

Northwest elevation of the Old Blacksmith Shop with Coco Mickler working inside  

[1968-05] Northwest elevation of the Old Blacksmith Shop with Coco Mickler working inside

Ribera Garden Looking Northeast  

[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden Looking Northeast

Ribera Garden - Fountain [Facing North]  

[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden - Fountain [Facing North]

Ribera Garden Looking West - Rose Beds  

[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden Looking West - Rose Beds

Ribera Garden View of Arbor, Looking Southeast  

[5/1/1968 12:00:00 AM] Ribera Garden View of Arbor, Looking Southeast