[Sanchez de Ortigosa House interior, hand-carved chair for sale, 1967]  

[APR 1967] [Sanchez de Ortigosa House interior, hand-carved chair for sale, 1967]

[Sanchez de Ortigosa House interior, hand-carved chairs for sale, 1967]  

[APR 1967] [Sanchez de Ortigosa House interior, hand-carved chairs for sale, 1967]

[Sanchez de Ortigosa House from St. George Street, looking North, 1967]  

[APR 1967] [Sanchez de Ortigosa House from St. George Street, looking North, 1967]
[4/1/1967] West elevation of the Santoya House, looking Northeast

West elevation of the Santoya House, looking Northeast  

[4/1/1967] West elevation of the Santoya House, looking Northeast
[1967-05] Overlooking the Hispanic Garden to the Marin-Hasset House

Overlooking the Hispanic Garden to the Marin-Hasset House  

[1967-05] Overlooking the Hispanic Garden to the Marin-Hasset House
[1967-05] Southeast corner of the Cerveau House during restoration

Southeast corner of the Cerveau House during restoration  

[1967-05] Southeast corner of the Cerveau House during restoration
[1967-05] Southeast corner of the Cerveau House with a fence being installed, seen from Cuna Street

Southeast corner of the Cerveau House with a fence being installed, seen from Cuna Street  

[1967-05] Southeast corner of the Cerveau House with a fence being installed, seen from Cuna Street
[1967-05] Outbuilding at the rear of the Sims lot being moved forward to Cuna Street

Outbuilding at the rear of the Sims lot being moved forward to Cuna Street  

[1967-05] Outbuilding at the rear of the Sims lot being moved forward to Cuna Street
[1967-05] Sims House addition, moved forward to Cuna Street

Sims House addition, moved forward to Cuna Street  

[1967-05] Sims House addition, moved forward to Cuna Street
[1967-05] Looking into the outhouse (privy) in the rear yard of the Cerveau House, looking South, Cerveau House directly behind and Haas House on the right (card is mislabeled)

Looking into the outhouse (privy) in the rear yard of the Cerveau House, looking South, Cerveau House directly behind and Haas House on the right (card is mislabeled)  

[1967-05] Looking into the outhouse (privy) in the rear yard of the Cerveau House, looking South, Cerveau House directly behind and Haas House on the right (card is mislabeled)
[1967-05] Southeast elevation of the Herrera House from Charlotte Street

Southeast elevation of the Herrera House from Charlotte Street  

[1967-05] Southeast elevation of the Herrera House from Charlotte Street
[1967-05] Entrance to the Herrera House from the courtyard, looking North

Entrance to the Herrera House from the courtyard, looking North  

[1967-05] Entrance to the Herrera House from the courtyard, looking North

[Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]  

[MAY 1967] [Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]

[Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]  

[MAY 1967] [Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]

[Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]  

[MAY 1967] [Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]

[Demolition of Bitto Building from Interior, exposed foundations, 1967]  

[MAY 1967] [Demolition of Bitto Building from Interior, exposed foundations, 1967]

[Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]  

[May 1967] [Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]

[Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]  

[May 1967] [Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1967]

[Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, exposing foundations along east elevation, looking South, 1967]  

[1967-05] [Demolition of Bitto Building from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, exposing foundations along east elevation, looking South, 1967]

[Bradley G. Brewer, St. Augustine Historial Restoration and Preservation Commission Member]  

[1967-05] [Bradley G. Brewer, St. Augustine Historial Restoration and Preservation Commission Member]