[1900] Charlotte Street, North of Treasury Street, looking South , ca. 1900

Charlotte Street, North of Treasury Street, looking South , ca. 1900  

Publication Date:  1900
Publisher.Display:  National Archives and Records Office, United States of America
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1900] Charlotte Street, North of Treasury Street, looking South , ca. 1900
[1900] The Post Office (Government House) from the intersection of St. George Street and Cathedral Street, looking Southwest, ca. 1900

The Post Office (Government House) from the intersection of St. George Street and Cathedral Street, looking Southwest, ca. 1900  

Publication Date:  1900
Publisher.Display:  National Archives and Records Office, United States of America
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1900] The Post Office (Government House) from the intersection of St. George Street and Cathedral Street, looking Southwest, ca. 1900
[1900] Historic image of the south elevation of the Benet House, seen from St. George Street

Historic image of the south elevation of the Benet House, seen from St. George Street  

Publication Date:  1900
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Subjects.Display:  Saint Augustine (Fla.)
65 Saint George Street (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Benet House (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Esteban Benet House (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1900] Historic image of the south elevation of the Benet House, seen from St. George Street
[1900] Benet House, ca. 1900

Benet House, ca. 1900  

Publication Date:  1900
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Subjects.Display:  Saint Augustine (Fla.)
65 Saint George Street (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Benet House (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Esteban Benet House (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1900] Benet House, ca. 1900
[1902] The Alcazar Hotel and women coming down the sidewalk as seen from the fountain in front of the main entrance, looking South, 1902

The Alcazar Hotel and women coming down the sidewalk as seen from the fountain in front of the main entrance, looking South, 1902  

Publication Date:  1902
Publisher.Display:  Detroit Photographic Co.
Subjects.Display:  Saint Augustine, Fla.
75 King Street (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Alcazar Hotel (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
City Hall (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Lightner Museum (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1902] The Alcazar Hotel and women coming down the sidewalk as seen from the fountain in front of the main entrance, looking South, 1902
[1903] St. Francis Street near the intersection with Charlotte Street (Llambias House on the right) looking East, ca. 1903

St. Francis Street near the intersection with Charlotte Street (Llambias House on the right) looking East, ca. 1903  

Publication Date:  1903
Publisher.Display:  State Photographic Archives, Strozier Library, Florida State University
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1903] St. Francis Street near the intersection with Charlotte Street (Llambias House on the right) looking East, ca. 1903
[1904] Bay Street from the Plaza de la Constitucion, with the yacht club on the right and Blenmore (home of C. F. Hamblen) on the right, looking North, 1904

Bay Street from the Plaza de la Constitucion, with the yacht club on the right and "Blenmore" (home of C. F. Hamblen) on the right, looking North, 1904  

Publication Date:  1904
Publisher.Display:  Detroit Photographic Co.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1904] Bay Street from the Plaza de la Constitucion, with the yacht club on the right and "Blenmore" (home of C. F. Hamblen) on the right, looking North, 1904
[1904] The Rolleston House from St. George Street, looking West, ca. 1904

The Rolleston House from St. George Street, looking West, ca. 1904  

Publication Date:  1904
Publisher.Display:  Clement Slade
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1904] The Rolleston House from St. George Street, looking West, ca. 1904
[1910] Loggia of Dr. Horace Lindsley's Home on St. George Street. Old Spanish design

Loggia of Dr. Horace Lindsley's Home on St. George Street. Old Spanish design  

Publication Date:  1910
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Subjects.Display:  Saint Augustine, Fla.
214 Saint George Street (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Horruytiner-Lindsley House (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910] Loggia of Dr. Horace Lindsley's Home on St. George Street. Old Spanish design
[1910] Looking down Aviles Street with the O'Reilly House House on the left, looking North, ca. 1910

Looking down Aviles Street with the O'Reilly House House on the left, looking North, ca. 1910  

Publication Date:  1910
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910] Looking down Aviles Street with the O'Reilly House House on the left, looking North, ca. 1910
[1910] A stereoview of the bank on the corner of Cathedral Street and Charlotte Street, as seen from the basin, looking Northwest, ca. 1910

A stereoview of the bank on the corner of Cathedral Street and Charlotte Street, as seen from the basin, looking Northwest, ca. 1910  

Publication Date:  1910
Subjects.Display:  Saint Augustine, Fla.
24-28 Cathedral Place (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Exchange Bank Building (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910] A stereoview of the bank on the corner of Cathedral Street and Charlotte Street, as seen from the basin, looking Northwest, ca. 1910

A parade on Cathedral Street in front of the Cathedral Basilica, looking West  

Publication Date:  1910
Creator:  Phographs taken by Victor Rahner Sr. and donated to the Preservation Board by Tom Rahner in the 1980's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910] A parade on Cathedral Street in front of the Cathedral Basilica, looking West

Staff of the Stephens and Coe drug store, posing for a Christmas photo  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] Staff of the Stephens and Coe drug store, posing for a Christmas photo

Victor Rahner, Sr. riding a bicycle on St. George Street in front of the Peña-Peck House  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] Victor Rahner, Sr. riding a bicycle on St. George Street in front of the Peña-Peck House

Young Victor Rahner, Sr. sitting in the window of the Postal Telegraph Office on St. George Street  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] Young Victor Rahner, Sr. sitting in the window of the Postal Telegraph Office on St. George Street

Blair Kodak Shop on St. George Street, north of the postal telegraph office  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] Blair Kodak Shop on St. George Street, north of the postal telegraph office

A member of the Rahner family being towed behind a boat with a view of the bay front behind (Blenmore on far left)  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] A member of the Rahner family being towed behind a boat with a view of the bay front behind (Blenmore on far left)

A member of the Rahner family and a puppy being towed behind a boat with a view of the bay front behind Monson Hotel, center)  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] A member of the Rahner family and a puppy being towed behind a boat with a view of the bay front behind Monson Hotel, center)

The Puerte Verde House (center) and a view north down Bay Street (Avenida Menendez)  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] The Puerte Verde House (center) and a view north down Bay Street (Avenida Menendez)

Old St. Augustine sky line, east to the Bay  

Publication Date:  1910's
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[1910's] Old St. Augustine sky line, east to the Bay