The birth of a university-- and plans for its development: Florida International University

The birth of a university-- and plans for its development: Florida International University  

Publication Date:  1970
Creator:  Florida International University
State University System of Florida
Publisher.Display:  Miami, Fla.: Greenleaf/Telesca
Subjects.Display:  Florida International University--History
Source Institution:  Florida International University
The birth of a university-- and plans for its development: Florida International University
Planning for a new state institution of higher learning in Dade County Florida

Planning for a new state institution of higher learning in Dade County Florida  

Publication Date:  1968-10
Creator:  State University System of Florida
Frost, Terry ( Editor )
Dempsey, Bruce ( Designer )
Hathcock, Brian ( Photographer )
Publisher.Display:  Office of the Board of Regents ( Tallahassee, Fla. )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Planning for a new state institution of higher learning in Dade County Florida