Positioning South Florida's business community in the 21st century |
Positioning South Florida's business community in the 21st century |
Positive parenting skills |
Positive parenting skills |
The post Hurricane Andrew job market |
The post Hurricane Andrew job market |
Post Hurricane Andrew: tax and legal issues. |
Post Hurricane Andrew: tax and legal issues. |
Preliminary Building Program for proposed Multi-Function One Building |
Preliminary Building Program for proposed Multi-Function One Building |
Preparation for the groundbreaking ceremony of Florida International University Tamiami Campus |
Preparation for the groundbreaking ceremony of Florida International University Tamiami Campus |
Preparing Teachers For a Changing Community |
Preparing Teachers For a Changing Community |
Preserving Cuban Architecture |
Preserving Cuban Architecture |
President Charles E. Perry 1973 Spring Florida International University Commencement |
President Charles E. Perry 1973 Spring Florida International University Commencement |
President Charles E. Perry, Dr. Juan C. Hernandez and Jose Joaquin Salcedo 1973 Spring Florida International University Commencement |
President Charles E. Perry, Dr. Juan C. Hernandez and Jose Joaquin Salcedo 1973 Spring Florida International University Commencement |
President Charles Perry at the Viertes Haus dedication ceremony |
President Charles Perry at the Viertes Haus dedication ceremony |
President Charles Perry at the Viertes Haus dedication ceremony |
President Charles Perry at the Viertes Haus dedication ceremony |
President Charles Perry presenting to the Senate Subcommittee on Universities and Community Colleges at the Tamiami Campus of Florida International University |
President Charles Perry presenting to the Senate Subcommittee on Universities and Community Colleges at the Tamiami Campus of Florida International University |
President Charles Perry presenting to the Senate Subcommittee on Universities and Community Colleges Meeting at the Tamiami Campus of Florida International University |
President Charles Perry presenting to the Senate Subcommittee on Universities and Community Colleges Meeting at the Tamiami Campus of Florida International University |
President Charles Perry remarks groundbreaking for Florida International University |
President Charles Perry remarks groundbreaking for Florida International University |
President Clinton's dilemma in Haiti: sanctions or invasions? |
President Clinton's dilemma in Haiti: sanctions or invasions? |
President Modesto A. Maidique, James Mau, Rosa Jones, unidentified person, and Albert Dotson |
President Modesto A. Maidique, James Mau, Rosa Jones, unidentified person, and Albert Dotson |
President Modesto A. Maidique presents Professor Mark B. Rosenberg with the Distinguished Service Award |
President Modesto A. Maidique presents Professor Mark B. Rosenberg with the Distinguished Service Award |
President Modesto Maidique, Bennie Osborne, and Richard L. Campbell at the Black Faculty and Staff Reception 1991 |
President Modesto Maidique, Bennie Osborne, and Richard L. Campbell at the Black Faculty and Staff Reception 1991 |
President Perry in discussion with Secretary-General of the United Nations U Thant |
President Perry in discussion with Secretary-General of the United Nations U Thant |