No. Title Date
1201 Processional 1973 Spring Florida International University Commencement Exercises 1973-06-16
1202 Proclamation Board of County Commissioners Dade County, Florida, Florida International University Day 1972-08-21
1203 Proclamation City of Miami, Florida, Florida International University Day 1972-09-14
1204 The Professional Development Schools 2000-05-04
1205 Professionals educating parents 1989-12-17
1206 Professor Mark Rosenberg during a lecture 1980/1989
1207 The Program, Florida International University, Official Opening Day Ceremony 1972-09-14
1208 Programs for service and enjoyment 1987/1989
1209 Promo shots, 1985 1985
1210 Prop. 42 and the future of college sports 1989-02-09
1211 Proposal for the Development of the Student Counseling Service Program at Florida International University 1972-02-08
1212 Proposal for the Establishment of a College of Visual and Performing Arts at Florida International University 1976-02-01
1213 Proposed Student Activity Fee Distribution for 1972-73 1972-02
1214 Proposition 187 and the rights of non-citizens 1995-07-06
1215 The prospects for the Cuban economy 1995-02-02
1216 Prospectus for Substantive Change Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering 1997-05-19
1217 Psychologically Speaking Volume 1, Number 1 1998
1218 Public Safety Office Florida International University 1980/1985
1219 Putting it all together: an educational film series 1987/1989
1220 Rathskeller, University House, Florida International University 1977