No. Title Date
561 Aerial view of University Park Campus Florida International University 1975
562 Ronald G. Arrowsmith, Vice President Administrative Affairs 1975/1985
563 Henry B. Thomas, Vice President Student Affairs 1975/1985
564 Steve Altman 1975/1985
565 Richard Correnti, Vice President Student Affairs 1975/1985
566 James C. Ketzle and Grace Brown, Controller's Office 1975/1985
567 Patrick Russell, Office of Cooperative Education 1975/1985
568 Office of Student Records and Services 1975/1985
569 Joseph Kaplan 1975/1985
570 Mike Morgan, Vice President of University Relations and Development 1975/1985
571 Construction on North Miami Campus Florida International University 1975/1980
572 FIU Jazz Ensemble conductor Joseph Rohm 1975/1980
573 FIU symphony ensemble with conductor Yoshihiro Obata 1975/1980
574 FIU symphony ensemble with conductor Yoshihiro Obata 1975/1980
575 University Theatre entrance 1975/1980
576 Department of Theatre logo 1975/1980
577 Child Care Center halloween costumes group shot 1975/1979
578 Dr. Richard L. Biscomb, Vice President of University Relations and Development 1978/1980
579 Modular buildings, Tamiami Campus 1975-01
580 Model of Tamiami Campus 1975/1980