No. Title Date
101 Jamaica. Meeting for and interview with Carlos Loret de Mola, Yucatan. 1969-09-20
102 Marcelino Velez Santana. Part Two. Transcribes 1974-02-13
103 John Huston, film makers. Uruguay. Student Interview - Anti Subversive Operations Coordinating Organization (OCOA) 1976-06
104 Uruguay. Student Interview - Anti Subversive Operations Coordinating Organization (OCOA) 1976-07-06
105 Alfonso Robelo, Nicaragua. Panamanian student Nic Robollo. Pat Fulton, Canal Zone employee. Oil Story. 1977-06-28
106 General Anastasio Somoza 1978-08-22
107 Pope John Paul II at the Basilica of Guadalupe. President Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. 1979-01-27
108 Henry Kissinger 1979-02-27
109 Firefight. El Dorado, Nicaragua. Harold Riley BBC interview with Sandanistas. 1979-06-18
110 Anastasio Somoza Interview, July 10, 1979. Somoza to Liberty Party, July 11, 1979 1979-07-10
111 Colonel Somoza. Tachito. Ambassador to Nicaragua. 1979-07-19
112 Triumph of Rebels, Interview with Sandanistas, Margarita Montealegre and Marta, July 19, 1979. Laws, July 20, 1979 1979-07-19
113 Socialist Internacional Mexico 1979-08
114 Octavio Paz and Bishop Arturo Lona Reyes 1979-08-30
115 Juan Sabelo, Saint Lucia, El Salvador 1979-10-17
116 Masaya Nicaragua 1979-12-08
117 Last Somoza Congress. Ramirez in February 1980. First day of FSLN victory 1980-02
118 La Vida Nueva, Numero 1 1980-05-10
119 La Vida Nueva, Numero 2 1980-05-11
120 La Vida Nueva, Numero 3 1980-05-13