No. Title Date
61 Promissory Note and Closing Statement. Liberty City Park. Dana Holding Co. 1939-03-10
62 Proposed final boundary, Everglades National Park, Florida 1957-04
63 Proposition or Tender. Seaboard Airline Ry. Bohemia Park 1926-08-06
64 Selected water quality parameter station location Everglades National Park
65 Shark Valley Road 1978-02
66 Some Aspects of the Effects of the Quantity of Water on Biological Communities in Everglades National Park 1969-09
67 South Florida Tomato and Vegetable Growers, Inc. response to criticisms by the National Park ServiceSouth Florida Tomato and Vegetable Growers, Inc. 1975
68 Supplemental Opinion on Title. Liberty City Park. Dana A. Dorsey 1939-03-17
69 Skip Navigation Links.
70 Taylor Slough C-11 1980-02
71 Taylor Slough L-31 (W) South of S-332 1980-06
72 Taylor Slough S-32 construction 1979-12
73 Taylor Slough S-32 construction 1979-12
74 Taylor Slough S-32 construction 1979-12
75 Taylor Slough S-32 construction 1980-01
76 Taylor Slough S-32 construction 1980-06
77 Skip Navigation Links.
78 Warranty Deed (to corporation) between Dana A. Dorsey, Rebecca Dorsey and Seaboard All-Florida Railway 1926-10
79 Skip Navigation Links.
80 Skip Navigation Links.