No. Title Date
61 Abril Lamarque holding a cigarette
62 Abril Lamarque standing on crowded street lighting a cigarette
63 Abril Lamarque standing on stage with a microphone
64 Bride and groom postcard with the text Basilica de Camaguey
65 Cuban President Fulgencio Batista and Abril Lamarque pictured left to right
66 The Professors of the Industrial School including Geronimo Amores Abril pictured second from right
67 Abril Lamarque (pictured seated left) with a group of unidentified men and women
68 Lamarque caricatures drawn on the backs of several women standing on the deck of a ship
69 Abril Lamarque (pictured right) and unidentified man
70 Portrait of Peysi last summer
71 Portrait of Abril Lamarque with mustache
72 Abril Lamarque wearing glasses in a wood paneled room
73 Abril Lamarque pictured outside
74 Abril Lamarque reclining back blowing smoke
75 Abril Lamarque holding a copy of Abril Lamarque Conducts Sonatas for Lovin' Swingers
76 Abril Lamarque in overcoat and hat with leg on a metal railing
77 Card to Abril and Milagros
78 Black and white photograph of Abril Lamarque
79 Abril Lamarque sitting on coach with a cigarette in his mouth
80 Abril Lamarque standing on beach