No. Title Date
21 Iron Content - Harney River 1960/1970
22 Iron Content - Shark River 1960/1970
23 Iron & Sulfur at Costal vs Inland Sites 1960/1970
24 Rhizophora Rootlet Degradation 1960/1970
25 Granular Pyrite in Rootlet 1960/1970
26 Incipient Pyrite in Long. Sect. of Rootlet 1960/1970
27 Granular Pyrite in Long. Sect of Rootlet 1960/1970
28 Frambodial Pyrite - Rhizophora Rootlet 1960/1970
29 Three Crystal Forms -Transmitted Light 1960/1970
30 Three Crystal Forms - Reflected Light 1960/1970
31 Pyrite in Foram 1960/1970
32 Pyrite in Fungal and Cortical Tissues 1960/1970
33 Pyrite Content and Peat Types 1960/1970
34 Little Banana Patch & Shark River Headwaters Index (Stops XVII & XIX) 1960/1970
35 Flamingo Marina Index (Stops 81-XX) 1960/1970
36 Field Trip Map 1960/1970
37 Contours on Bedrock of Florida Bay 1960/1970
38 Location of Buried Peat 1960/1970
39 Map Identifying Keys 1960/1970
40 Murray Key 1960/1970