Global climate change, war, and population decline in recent human history

Global climate change, war, and population decline in recent human history  

Publication Date:  2007-12-04
Creator:  David D. Zhang
Peter Brecke
Harry F. Lee
Yuan-Qing He
Jane Zhang
Publisher.Display:  National Academy of Sciences of the USA
Subjects.Display:  War
global climate changes
population growth
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Global climate change, war, and population decline in recent human history
Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida

Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida  

Publication Date:  2014-04-01
Creator:  Juan Carlos Vargas
Barry Fradkin
Michael Flaxman
Publisher.Display:  GeoAdaptive, LLC ( Boston,MA )
Subjects.Display:  Florida
Climate change
population growth
landscape protection
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida