Adaptation Behavior on the Frontline of Global Climate Change |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Flugman, Evan Mozumder, Pallab
Publisher.Display: | |
The Program for Adpatation to Climate Change and Extreme Events, Florida International University
Subjects.Display: | |
Marine ecology Climatic changes Environmental policy unknownFlorida unknownFlorida Keys (Fla.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Adaptation Behavior on the Frontline of Global Climate Change |
Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
National Academy of Sciences
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy Ecosystems infrastructure
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change |
The Age of Consequences |
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change national security foreign policy
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
The Age of Consequences |
Agencies Should Devleop Guidance for Addressing the Effects on Federal Land and Water Resources |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
United States Government Accountability Office
Publisher.Display: | |
United States Government Accountability Office
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy Water resources land management
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Agencies Should Devleop Guidance for Addressing the Effects on Federal Land and Water Resources |
Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Military Installations |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program US Department of Defense
Publisher.Display: | |
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Military bases Environmental policy military facilities
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Military Installations |
Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Military Installations:Policy Implications |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program US Department of Defense
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy United States. Department of Defense U.S. military forces
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Military Installations:Policy Implications |
ASTHO Climate Change Population Vulnerability Screening Tool |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
California Environmental Health Tracking Program
Publisher.Display: | |
California Department of Public Health
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy environmental health unknownCalifornia
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
ASTHO Climate Change Population Vulnerability Screening Tool |
Beyond 'dangerous' climate change |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Anderson, Kevin Bows, Alice
Publisher.Display: | |
The Royal Society
Subjects.Display: | |
Climatic changes Environmental policy Greenhouse gas mitigation
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Beyond 'dangerous' climate change |
BP Energy Outlook 2035 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Publisher.Display: | |
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Global warming Environmental policy energy
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
BP Energy Outlook 2035 |
Carbon bubble toil and trouble |
Publication Date: | |
Publisher.Display: | |
Macmillan Publishers Limited
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy Greenhouse gases politics
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Carbon bubble toil and trouble |
Climate Action Plans Fail to Deliver |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Science and Public Policy Institute
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change emission reduction,greenhouse gas public policy
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate Action Plans Fail to Deliver |
Climate and Social Stress |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Paul C. Stern John D. Steinbruner Jo L. Husbands
Publisher.Display: | |
The National Academies Press
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Global warming Environmental policy security analysis
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate and Social Stress |
Climate and Social Stress |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
John D. Steinbruner ( Editor ) Paul C. Stern ( Editor ) Jo L. Husbands ( Editor )
Publisher.Display: | |
National Academic Press ( Washington, D.C. )
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy national security military intelligence
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate and Social Stress |
Climate Change & Development |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
U.S. Agency for International Development
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy strategic planning growth,economic
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate Change & Development |
Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Michael Werz Laura Conley
Publisher.Display: | |
Center for American Progress
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change human migration conflict and security in the developing world enviornmental policy
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict |
Climate Change: faster, stronger, sooner |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Tina Tin
Publisher.Display: | |
World Wildlife Federation European Policy Office
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy scientific research United Nations Arctic Ocean
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate Change: faster, stronger, sooner |
Climate models at their limit? |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Mark Maslin Patrick Austin
Publisher.Display: | |
Macmillan Publishers Limited
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Environmental policy climatology greenhoues gases
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Climate models at their limit? |
A Climate of Corporate Control |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Union of Concerned Scientists Grifo, Francesca Goldman, Gretchen Gutman, Ben Freeman, Jennifer Rogerson, Paul Veysey, Drew
Publisher.Display: | |
Union of Concerned Scientists
Subjects.Display: | |
Climatic changes Environmental policy corporations environmental sciences
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
A Climate of Corporate Control |
Communicating the science of climate change |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Richard C.J. Somerville Susan Joy Hassol
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Global warming Environmental policy scientific research
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Communicating the science of climate change |
The Cost of Climate Change |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Franck Ackerman Elizabeth A. Stanton
Publisher.Display: | |
National Resources Defense Council
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change Global warming Environmental policy gross domestic product
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
The Cost of Climate Change |