[2001] The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its relation to rainfall and river flows in the continental U.S.

The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its relation to rainfall and river flows in the continental U.S.  

Publication Date:  2001
Creator:  David B. Enfield
Alberto M. Mestas-Nunez
Paul J. Trimble
Publisher.Display:  American Geophysical Union
Subjects.Display:  Droughts
Climate change
North Atlantic Region
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2001] The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its relation to rainfall and river flows in the continental U.S.
[2009] Decomposition of Projected Regional Sea Level Rise in the North Atlantic and its Relation to the AMOC

Decomposition of Projected Regional Sea Level Rise in the North Atlantic and its Relation to the AMOC  

Publication Date:  2009
Creator:  Korper, J.
Spangehl, T.
Cubasch, U.
Huebener, H.
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
Sea Level rise
North Atlantic Region
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2009] Decomposition of Projected Regional Sea Level Rise in the North Atlantic and its Relation to the AMOC
[2009-10-29] A new perspective on warming of the global oceans

A new perspective on warming of the global oceans  

Publication Date:  2009-10-29
Creator:  Palmer, M.D.
Good, S.A.
Haines, K.
Rayner, N.A.
Stott, P.A.
Publisher.Display:  American Geophysical Union
Subjects.Display:  Climatic changes
North Atlantic Region
ocean circulation
ocean temperature
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2009-10-29] A new perspective on warming of the global oceans
[2010] A subtropical fate awaited freshwater discharged from glacial Lake Agassiz

A subtropical fate awaited freshwater discharged from glacial Lake Agassiz  

Publication Date:  2010
Creator:  Condron, Alan
Winsor, Peter
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
ice sheets
North Atlantic Region
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2010] A subtropical fate awaited freshwater discharged from glacial Lake Agassiz
[2011-01-14] The Deglacial Evolution of North Atlantic Deep Convection

The Deglacial Evolution of North Atlantic Deep Convection  

Publication Date:  2011-01-14
Creator:  David J.R. Thornalley
Stephen Barker
Wallace S. Broecker
Henry Elderfield
I. Nick McCave
Publisher.Display:  American Association for the Advancement of Science ( 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washigton, DC 20005 )
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
North Atlantic Region
atmospheric circulation
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2011-01-14] The Deglacial Evolution of North Atlantic Deep Convection
[2011-01-14] Northern Meltwater Pulses, CO2, and Changes in Atlantic Convection

Northern Meltwater Pulses, CO2, and Changes in Atlantic Convection  

Publication Date:  2011-01-14
Creator:  Michael Sarnthein
Publisher.Display:  American Association for the Advancement of Science
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
carbon dioxide
North Atlantic Region
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2011-01-14] Northern Meltwater Pulses, CO2, and Changes in Atlantic Convection

Links between early Holocene ice-sheet decay, sea-level rise and abrupt climate change  

Publication Date:  2012-09
Creator:  Torbjorn E. Tornqvist
Marc P. Hijma
Publisher.Display:  Macmillan Publishers Limited
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
Sea Level rise
North Atlantic Region
ice sheet
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2012-09] Links between early Holocene ice-sheet decay, sea-level rise and abrupt climate change
[2013] Implications of Arctic sea ice changes for North Atlantic deep convection and the meridional overturning circulation in CCSM4-CMIP5 simulations

Implications of Arctic sea ice changes for North Atlantic deep convection and the meridional overturning circulation in CCSM4-CMIP5 simulations  

Publication Date:  2013
Creator:  Jahn, Alexandra
Holland, Marika M.
Publisher.Display:  American Geophysical Union
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
North Atlantic Region
sea ice
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2013] Implications of Arctic sea ice changes for North Atlantic deep convection and the meridional overturning circulation in CCSM4-CMIP5 simulations
[2014] Contrasting records of sea-level change in the eastern and western North Atlantic during the last 300 years

Contrasting records of sea-level change in the eastern and western North Atlantic during the last 300 years  

Publication Date:  2014
Creator:  Long, A.J.
Barlow, N.L.M
Gehrels, W.R.
Saher, M.H.
Woodworth, P.L.
Scaife, R.G.
Brain, M.J.
Publisher.Display:  Elsevier
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
Sea Level rise
North Atlantic Region
salt marshes
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2014] Contrasting records of sea-level change in the eastern and western North Atlantic during the last 300 years