The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability

The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability  

Publication Date:  2013-10-10
Creator:  Camilo Mora
Abby G. Frazier
Ryan J. Longman
Rachel S. Dacks
Maya M. Walton
Eric J. Tong
Joseph J. Sanchez
Lauren R. Kaiser
Yuko O. Stender
James M. Anderson
Christine M. Ambrosino
Iria Fernandez-Silva
Louise M. Giuseffi
Thomas W. Giambelluca
Publisher.Display:  Macmillan Publishers Limited
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
Greenhouse gases
Earth (Planet)-- Surface temperature
Source Institution:  Florida International University
The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
Sea-level rise and landscape change influence mangrove encroachment onto marsh in the Ten Thousand Islands region of Florida, USA

Sea-level rise and landscape change influence mangrove encroachment onto marsh in the Ten Thousand Islands region of Florida, USA  

Publication Date:  2010-09-10
Creator:  Krauss, Ken W.
From, Andrew S.
Doyle, Thomas W.
Doyle, Terry J.
Berry, Michael J.
Publisher.Display:  Springer
Subjects.Display:  Florida
Climate change
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Sea-level rise and landscape change influence mangrove encroachment onto marsh in the Ten Thousand Islands region of Florida, USA