Melt-induced speed-up of Greenland ice sheet offset by efficient subglacial drainage |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Venke Sundal, Aud Shepherd, Andrew Nienow, Peter Hanna, Edward Palmer, Steven Huybrechts, Philippe
Publisher.Display: | |
Macmillan Publishers Limited
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change ice sheets Greenland
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Melt-induced speed-up of Greenland ice sheet offset by efficient subglacial drainage |
A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Shepherd, Andrew
Publisher.Display: | |
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Subjects.Display: | |
Climate change ice sheets Antarctica
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance |