No. Title Date
1 Adaptating to Climate Change 2010
2 Adapting to Coastal Climate Change 2009-05-01
3 Adaptive Response Planning to Sea Level Rise in Florida and Implications for Comprehensive and Public-Facilities Planning 2007-09-01
4 Agencies Should Devleop Guidance for Addressing the Effects on Federal Land and Water Resources 2007-08-07
5 An Overview of the Causes and Effects of Sea Level Rise 1984
6 An Unfavorable Tide 2006
7 Arctic Report Card: Update for 2011 2011-12
8 Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability Through the Use of GIS Tools in South Sicily (Italy) 2009
9 The Bridge 2010
10 Charleston Case Study 1988
11 Cities and flooding 2012
12 City of Miami Beach : Stormwater management master plan 2012-08-17
13 Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise in Florida 2010-12
14 Climate Change and Water Resources Management 2009
15 Climate Change, Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, and Rising Sea Level in Coastal Wetlands 1997
16 Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation 2008
17 Climate Risk Information 2013 2013-06
18 Climate-change impact assessment for inlet-interrupted coastlines 2012
19 Coastal Process and Environments under Sea-Level Rise and Changing Climate 2013-04
20 Coastal sustainability depends on how economic and coastline responses to climate change affect each other 2011