No. Title Date
1 Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change 2013
2 Activation of old carbon by erosion of coastal and subsea permafrost in Arctic Siberia 2012-09-06
3 Arctic Armageddon Needs More Science,Less Hype 2010-08-05
4 Arctic climate feedbacks: global implications 2009
5 Arctic Report Card 2008 2008-10
6 Arctic Report Card: Update for 2010- Tracking recent environmental changes 2010-10
7 Climate Change Evidence & Causes 2014-02-27
8 Extraordinary September Arctic Sea Ice reductions and their relationships with storm behavior over 1979-2008 2009-10-14
9 Global Warming and Winter Weather 2014-02-14
10 Inter-annual to multi-decadal Arctic sea ice extent trends in a warming world 2011
11 The recent shift in early summer Arctic atmospheric circulation 2012
12 Recovery mechanisms of Arctic summer sea ice 2011-01-26
13 The reversibility of sea ice loss in a state-of-the-art climate model 2011
14 The thinning of Arctic sea ice 2011-04