No. Title Date
1 Cloud variations and the Earth's energy budget
2 Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America 2008
3 Governor's Action Team for Energy and Climate Change Phase II Process 2008
4 Can we fix it? 2010
5 The Bridge 2010
6 Climate change, nuclear power,and the adaptation-mitigation dilemma 2010
7 A Deeper Look at Climate Change and National Security 2010-03
8 Limiting the Magnitude of Future Climate Change 2010-05-19
9 Appropriate Technologies for Saving the Planet 2010-11-07
10 Revisiting the Earth's sea-level and energy budgets from 1961 to 2008 2011
11 World Energy Outlook 2011 2011-11-09
12 Anthropogenic and natural warming inferred from changes in Earth's energy balance 2012-01
13 Resurging North American Oil Production and the Death of the Peak Oil Hypothesis 2012-02-15
14 To those influencing environmental policy but opposed to nuclear power 2013
15 China's carbon conundrum 2013-07-06
16 Powering Los Angeles with renewable energy 2013-08-28
17 Impact of the Keystone XL pipeline on global oil markets and greenhouse gas emissions 2014
18 BP Energy Outlook 2035 2014