No. Title Date
1 Preliminary estimate of impacts of sea level rise on the regional water resources of Southeastern Florida
2 Sustainability plan : Energy economic zone work plan
3 Climate change and water management in South Florida 2009-11-12
4 Milestone 1 : Sustainability assessment report 2010-01
5 Regional Climate Action Plan - City of Miami Beach Matrix 2013-04-25
6 Planning for hazards and climate change impacts : One county's approach 2010
7 Broward climate change action plan 2010-05-04
8 Past and Projected Trends in Climate and Sea Level for South Florida, Hydrologic and Environmental Systems Modeling, Technical Report 2011-07-05
9 City of Miami Beach : Stormwater management master plan 2012-08-17
10 Resolution No. 2013-28142 2013
11 Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force report and recommendations 2014-07-01
12 Municipal king tide toolkit 2015
13 We are all in this together. Suggestions for effective sea-level rise communication in Miami-Dade 2016
14 Mobilizing Miami for sea level rise : Embodied research 2016
15 Historical US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USCGS) Aerial Photos - South Florida 2017