No. Title Date
141 The Closing Door of Climate Targets 2012-11-29
142 Cloud variations and the Earth's energy budget
143 CMIP5 multi-model hindcasts for the mid-1970s shift and early 2000s hiatus and predictions for 2016-2035 2014
144 Coal to gas 2011-08-10
145 Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise 2014
146 Coastal flooding by tropical cyclones and sea-level rise 2013
147 Coastal Geomorphic Responses to Sea Level Rise 1984
148 Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms 2013
149 Coastal Process and Environments under Sea-Level Rise and Changing Climate 2013-04
150 Coastal sustainability depends on how economic and coastline responses to climate change affect each other 2011
151 Coastal systems and low-lying areas 2007
152 Comes the Sea 2010
153 Communicating the science of climate change 2011-10-01
154 Compaction of Holocene strata and the implications for relative sealevel change on the east coast of England 2009
155 Comparing climate projections to observations up to 2011 2012-12-27
156 Complexities in barrier island response to sea level rise 2010-07-09
157 Comprehensive Southwest Florida/Charlotte Harbor Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment 2009
158 Computer Scientists Goes on Offensive to Defend Climate Scientists 2011-06-10
159 Conceptual Model of the Effects of Sea Level Rise on Sandy Coasts 2005-11
160 Consequences of Climate Change on the Ecogeomorphology of Coastal Wetlands 2008