No. Title Date
541 Penultimate Deglacial Sea-Level Timing from Uranium/Thorium Dating of Tahitian Corals 2009
542 Perception of climate change 2012
543 Persistent flow acceleration within the interior of the Greenland ice sheet 2011
544 Persistent link between solar activity and Greenland climate during the Last Glacial Maximum 2014
545 Personality type differences between Ph.D. climate researchers and the general public: implications for effective communication 2011-09-02
546 The Physical Impact of Sea Level Rise in the Area of Charleston, South Carolina 1984
547 The Physical Vulnerability of the Florida Keys 2010
548 Planning for hazards and climate change impacts : One county's approach 2010
549 Planning for Sea Level Rise before and after a Coastal Disaster 1984
550 Pliocene Warmth, Polar Amplification, and Stepped Pleistocene Cooling Recorded in NE Arctic Russia 2013
551 The poleward migration of the location of tropical cyclone maximum intensity 2014-05
552 Policy Recommendations 2010
553 Position Analysis 2009
554 Position Analysis: Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Events 2008
555 Position Analysis: CO2 Emissions and Climate Change - Ocean Impacts and Adaptation Issues 2008
556 Position Analysis:Polar Ice Sheets and Climate Change 2008
557 Possible climate change impacts on the hydrological and vegetative character of Everglades National Park, Florida 2010-09-27
558 Potential aerosol indirect effects on atmospheric circulation and radiative forcing through deep convection 2012
559 Potential Ecological Consequences of Climate Change in South Florida and the Everglades 2009
560 Potential Impacts of Climate Change on US Transportation 2008