[2011-10-26] Underwater cities

Underwater cities  

[2011-10-26] Underwater cities
[2011-11] Regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory baseline period : 2005 - 2009

Regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory baseline period : 2005 - 2009  

[2011-11] Regional greenhouse gas emissions inventory baseline period : 2005 - 2009
[2012-01] Development of a methodology for the assessment of sea level rise impacts on Florida's transportation modes and infrastructures , synthesis of studies, methodologies, technologies, and data sources used for predicting sea level rise, timing, and affected areas in Florida

Development of a methodology for the assessment of sea level rise impacts on Florida's transportation modes and infrastructures , synthesis of studies, methodologies, technologies, and data sources used for predicting sea level rise, timing, and affected areas in Florida  

[2012-01] Development of a methodology for the assessment of sea level rise impacts on Florida's transportation modes and infrastructures , synthesis of studies, methodologies, technologies, and data sources used for predicting sea level rise, timing, and affected areas in Florida
[2012] Catastrophic, Non-Linear Inundation from Sea Level Rise and its Policy Implication

Catastrophic, Non-Linear Inundation from Sea Level Rise and its Policy Implication  

[2012] Catastrophic, Non-Linear Inundation from Sea Level Rise and its Policy Implication
[2012] Using enhanced dasymetric mapping techniques to improve the spatial accuracy of sea level rise vulnerability assessments

Using enhanced dasymetric mapping techniques to improve the spatial accuracy of sea level rise vulnerability assessments  

[2012] Using enhanced dasymetric mapping techniques to improve the spatial accuracy of sea level rise vulnerability assessments
[2012-08] Analysis of the vulnerability of Southeast Florida to sea level rise

Analysis of the vulnerability of Southeast Florida to sea level rise  

[2012-08] Analysis of the vulnerability of Southeast Florida to sea level rise
[2012-09] Lost in A Rising Sea

Lost in A Rising Sea  

[2012-09] Lost in A Rising Sea
[2012-10] A region responds to a changing climate : Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties : Regional climate action plan

A region responds to a changing climate : Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties : Regional climate action plan  

[2012-10] A region responds to a changing climate : Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact counties : Regional climate action plan
[2013] Resolution No. 2013-28142

Resolution No. 2013-28142  

[2013] Resolution No. 2013-28142

Influence of Sea-Level Oscillations During Highstands on Pleistocene Carbonate Shoals (Year 2)  

[2013] Influence of Sea-Level Oscillations During Highstands on Pleistocene Carbonate Shoals (Year 2)
[2013] Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations Memorandum

Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations Memorandum  

[2013] Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations Memorandum
[2013-07-18] Goodbye, Miami

Goodbye, Miami  

[2013-07-18] Goodbye, Miami
[2013-11-04] Request for Investigation into Possible Official Misconduct by Florida Elected and Appointed Officials on the Matter of Manmade Climate Change

Request for Investigation into Possible Official Misconduct by Florida Elected and Appointed Officials on the Matter of Manmade Climate Change  

[2013-11-04] Request for Investigation into Possible Official Misconduct by Florida Elected and Appointed Officials on the Matter of Manmade Climate Change
[2014] Sea-level rise and its impact on Miami-Dade County

Sea-level rise and its impact on Miami-Dade County  

[2014] Sea-level rise and its impact on Miami-Dade County
[2014-07-01] Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force report and recommendations

Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force report and recommendations  

[2014-07-01] Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force report and recommendations
[2014] Maps of Sea Level Rise- Nautilus Island,Miami Beach, FL

Maps of Sea Level Rise- Nautilus Island,Miami Beach, FL  

[2014] Maps of Sea Level Rise- Nautilus Island,Miami Beach, FL
[2014-04-01] Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida

Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida  

[2014-04-01] Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida
[2014-07-01] Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations

Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations  

[2014-07-01] Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force Report and Recommendations
[2014-09] Effects of sea level rise on energy infrastructure in four major metropolitan areas

Effects of sea level rise on energy infrastructure in four major metropolitan areas  

[2014-09] Effects of sea level rise on energy infrastructure in four major metropolitan areas
[2014-10-15] Regional climate action plan health impact assessment (HIA), minimizing the health effects of climate change in the South Florida region, September 2013 -  March 2014, final report

Regional climate action plan health impact assessment (HIA), minimizing the health effects of climate change in the South Florida region, September 2013 - March 2014, final report  

[2014-10-15] Regional climate action plan health impact assessment (HIA), minimizing the health effects of climate change in the South Florida region, September 2013 - March 2014, final report