No. Title Date
1 An atlas of surface water management basins in the Everglades: THE WATER CONSERVATION AREAS AND EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK
2 Present and Projected Land Use Analysis of the Earman River Canal (C-17). 1968
3 Evaluation of the West Palm Beach Canal watershed tributary to pumping station S-5A. 1973-06
4 Upland Detention/ Retention Demonstration Project Final Report 1986-03
5 South Florida regional routing model 1986-06
6 Frequency analysis of SFWMD rainfall 1986-12
7 Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Salinity in the St. Lucie Estuary 1987-01
8 Periphyton and water quality relationships in the Everglades water conservation areas, 1978-1982 1987-03
9 Vegetation Changes in the Lake Okeechobee Littoral Zone 1972-1982 1987-04
10 Desalination in South Florida :proceedings of a seminar held at MacArthur's Holiday Inn, August 21, 1987, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 1987-08
11 One Foot Drawdown Zones of Influence Surrounding Municipal Water Supply Wellfields in Palm Beach County 1987-10
12 An atlas of eastern Dade County surface water management basins 1987-10
13 An atlas of eastern Broward County surface water management basins 1987-11
14 1986 Annual report Rural Clean Waters Program 1988-01
15 Herbicide monitoring program for the active ingredient glyphosate 1988-02
16 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Network, South Florida Water Management District 1988-04
17 An atlas of eastern Palm Beach County surface water management basins 1988-06
18 Herbicide monitoring program for the active ingredient Fluridone [Sonar(R)] 1988-07
19 An assessment of urban land use/stormwater runoff quality relationships and treatment efficiencies of selected stormwater management systems 1988-07
20 Flood management study of the C-18 basin 1988-08