No. Title Date
841 Shark Slough Water Level Correlation Analysis 1981-04
842 Short term effects of a freshwater discharge on the biota of St. Lucie estuary, Florida 1985-03
843 Sinking ships 2011
844 Smart Growth North Miami Beach : A vision for the future 2005-09
845 Smart Growth/Economic Development/Multimodal Transportation 2010-06-15
846 Snakes of the Everglades Agricultural Area
847 Social problem levels in city of Miami 1965
848 Soil and surface water nutrients in the Everglades nutrient removal project 1991-12
849 Soil and Water Conservation Research Division Southern Branch 1963
850 Some Seasonal Fisheries Trends and Effects of a 1000 cfs Fresh Water Discharge on the Fishes and Macroinvertebrates in the St. Lucie Estuary, Florida 1980-01
851 The South Beach health survey : Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and risky sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men 1997
852 South Dade wetlands
853 South Federal Highway redevelopment plan 2012-09-20
854 South Florida 2010-02
855 South Florida climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation pilot project, Final report 2015-04-10
856 South Florida high intensity drug trafficking area : Drug market analysis 2011 2011
857 South Florida Regional Planning Council Regional Directory 2013-05
858 South Florida regional routing model 1986-06
859 South Florida transit resource guide 2008-09
860 South Florida Water Management model documentation report 1983-12