The admiral's broom : song. New Words by Frederic E. Weatherly. The Music by Frederick Bevan.

The admiral's broom : song. New Words by Frederic E. Weatherly. The Music by Frederick Bevan.  

Creator:  Bevan, Frederick
Publisher.Display:  Enoch & Sons ( London )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
The admiral's broom : song. New Words by Frederic E. Weatherly. The Music by Frederick Bevan.
I passed by your window, from the album of five songs Song pictures. The words by Helen Taylor. The music by May H. Brahe.

I passed by your window, from the album of five songs Song pictures. The words by Helen Taylor. The music by May H. Brahe.  

Publication Date:  1916
Creator:  Brahe, May H. ( Composer )
Publisher.Display:  Enoch & Sons ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
I passed by your window, from the album of five songs Song pictures. The words by Helen Taylor. The music by May H. Brahe.
The Midnight Wind. Song, founded on an old Irish Melody. Arranged by A[melia] L[ehmann].

The Midnight Wind. Song, founded on an old Irish Melody. Arranged by A[melia] L[ehmann].  

Publication Date:  1898
Creator:  A.L.
Publisher.Display:  Enoch& Sons
Source Institution:  Added automatically
The Midnight Wind. Song, founded on an old Irish Melody. Arranged by A[melia] L[ehmann].
Shepherdess. Song. The Words by R. H. Elkin. The Music by A[melia] L[ehmann].

Shepherdess. Song. The Words by R. H. Elkin. The Music by A[melia] L[ehmann].  

Publication Date:  1899
Creator:  A.L.
Publisher.Display:  Enoch& Sons ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
Shepherdess. Song. The Words by R. H. Elkin. The Music by A[melia] L[ehmann].
Spring : song. Words by Frederic. E. Weatherly ; music by F. Paolo Tosti.

Spring : song. Words by Frederic. E. Weatherly ; music by F. Paolo Tosti.  

Publication Date:  1998
Creator:  Tosti, F. Paolo ( Composer )
Publisher.Display:  Enoch & Sons ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
Spring : song. Words by Frederic. E. Weatherly ; music by F. Paolo Tosti.
Yea and Nay. - Ni jamais, ni toujours. - [Song.] Founded on an old French Melody  With English & French Words. The English version by R. H. Elkin, arranged by A[melia] L[ehmann].

Yea and Nay. - Ni jamais, ni toujours. - [Song.] Founded on an old French Melody With English & French Words. The English version by R. H. Elkin, arranged by A[melia] L[ehmann].  

Publication Date:  1897
Creator:  A.L. ( Composer )
Publisher.Display:  Enoch & Sons ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
Yea and Nay. - Ni jamais, ni toujours. - [Song.] Founded on an old French Melody With English & French Words. The English version by R. H. Elkin, arranged by A[melia] L[ehmann].